Source code for cookiecutter.operators.terraform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Operator plugin that inherits a base class and is made available through `type`."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import hcl
from PyInquirer import prompt

from cookiecutter.operators import BaseOperator
from cookiecutter.exceptions import EscapeOperatorException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TerraformVariablesOperator(BaseOperator): """ Operator that reads an input hcl file and prompts user to fill in. Typically this is used with a `` file. :param variables_file: A path to a file to read :param var_list: A list of items to only parse and prompt :param var_skip_list: A list of items to skip when prompting :return: Dictionary that can be dumped into json for a `terraform.tfvars.json` """ type = 'terraform_variables' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa super(TerraformVariablesOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _execute(self): with open(self.operator_dict['variables_file'], 'r') as f: vars = hcl.load(f) var_skip_list = ( self.operator_dict['var_skip_list'] if 'var_skip_list' in self.operator_dict else [] ) output = {} for v in ( vars['variable'].keys() if 'var_list' not in self.operator_dict else self.operator_dict['var_list'] ): logger.debug('Parsing %s variable', v) var = vars['variable'][v] description = ( f"\nDescription - {var['description']}" if 'description' in var else "" ) message = f'What do you want to set the variable "{v}" {description}' if 'type' in var: if var['type'] in ['bool', 'boolean'] and v not in var_skip_list: logger.debug('Variable type %s', var['type']) question = { 'type': 'confirm', 'default': var['default'] if 'default' in var else True, 'message': message, 'name': v, } output = self._run_prompt(question, output, v) if var['type'] in ['string'] and v not in var_skip_list: logger.debug('Variable type %s', var['type']) question = { 'type': 'input', 'default': var['default'] if 'default' in var else None, 'message': message, 'name': v, } output = self._run_prompt(question, output, v) if ( var['type'] in ['list', 'list(string)', 'list(map(string))'] and v not in var_skip_list ): logger.debug('Variable type %s', var['type']) question = { 'type': 'checkbox', 'default': var['default'] if 'default' in var else None, 'message': message, 'choices': '', 'name': v, } logger.debug('Variable type %s', var['type']) output = self._run_prompt(question, output, v) if var['type'] in ['map', 'map(string)'] and v not in var_skip_list: logger.debug('Variable type %s', var['type']) question = { 'type': 'checkbox', 'default': var['default'] if 'default' in var else None, 'message': message, 'name': v, } output = self._run_prompt(question, output, v) # if 'type' not in var and v not in var_skip_list: # pprint(var) return output @staticmethod def _run_prompt(question, output, v, var_type=None): question.update({'name': 'tmp'}) answer = prompt([question])['tmp'] if not isinstance(var_type, dict): if answer == {}: raise EscapeOperatorException("Process has been cancelled by user.") output.update({v: answer}) return output