

  • Python interpreter

  • Adjust your path

  • Packaging tools

Python interpreter

Install Python for your operating system. Consult the official Python documentation for details.

You can install the Python binaries from Alternatively on macOS, you can use the homebrew package manager.

$ brew install python3

Adjust your path

Ensure that your bin folder is on your path for your platform. Typically ~/.local/ for UNIX and macOS, or %APPDATA%\Python on Windows. (See the Python documentation for site.USER_BASE for full details.)

UNIX and macOS

For bash shells, add the following to your .bash_profile (adjust for other shells):

# Add ~/.local/ to PATH
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

Remember to load changes with source ~/.bash_profile or open a new shell session.


Ensure the directory where nukikata will be installed is in your environment’s Path in order to make it possible to invoke it from a command prompt. To do so, search for “Environment Variables” on your computer (on Windows 10, it is under System Properties –> Advanced) and add that directory to the Path environment variable, using the GUI to edit path segments.

Example segments should look like %APPDATA%\Python\Python3x\Scripts, where you have your version of Python instead of Python3x.

You may need to restart your command prompt session to load the environment variables.

See also

See Configuring Python (on Windows) for full details.

Unix on Windows

You may also install Windows Subsystem for Linux or GNU utilities for Win32 to use Unix commands on Windows.

Packaging tools

pip and setuptools now come with Python 3 >=3.6. See the Python Packaging Authority’s (PyPA) documentation Requirements for Installing Packages for full details.

Install nukikata

At the command line:

$ python3 -m pip install --user nukikata

Or, if you do not have pip:

$ easy_install --user nukikata

Though, pip is recommended.